Potty Training on Demand
Many new dog owners run into the age-old issue, the dreaded all mighty potty training.
The horrible smell left behind following repeated urination is definitely a smell to be reckoned with.
First, meet my adorable toodle, Mimi lee.
When I brought this furry bundle of joy home, she curiously sniffed around. Suddenly, I saw the dreaded squatting pose, and sure enough, she left me her first “welcome home” present. To my horror, the baking soda and vinegar trick didn’t work, rather, the leftover smell attracted this fur ball back to the same spot. I knew then and there; queen Mimi had declared my bedroom carpet as her personal bathroom.
After a few days of unrelenting urination on my poor carpet, I’ve made potty training my ultimate new mom obsession. I knew I had to do this potty-training business fast and do it right before other parts of my house bares the wrath. So, I researched the right method for potty training.
You may ask, what is the right way?
Well, to start, don’t scold, scream, and spank your dog. Most importantly, do not press your dog’s face against the urine.
Dogs don’t understand human language right off the bat, so screaming “bad girl!” after the fact won’t work. When your dog has an accident, forget about it, clean up and take them to the appropriate spot.
In essence, a dog will learn good behaviours through repetition and positive reinforcement. With consistent training, you can eliminate unwanted behaviors. I am proud to say, it’s been three years since Mimi Lee had accidents in the house. Let’s now get down to the nitty gritty of how I managed to potty train Mimi Lee.
I will split the training into two categories, pee pad training and outdoor potty training.
Before we start, it is important to set a schedule for food and water, by doing so, it will allow you to time your dog’s bathroom breaks.
Remember, young puppies have smaller bladder capacities, therefore, it’s important to give them bathroom breaks every hour for the first 2 weeks and extend the duration where you see fit.
Pee pad training
- Lay a pee pad at the designated potty area. Make sure you lay the pee pad on a tray to avoid staining your floor in case of an overflow.
- Put your puppy on the pee pad and let her smell the pad.
- Give her the command ” go pee”.
Don’t worry about your puppy leaving the area without doing the deed. Be consistent and put your puppy back on the pee pad until they do the deed. once they finish, praise them with treats. Repeat the process.
Outside bathroom training
- Take your puppy out for regular walks. The initial stage will be frustrating but remember your end goal!
- Give your dog time to sniff around in the area. Make sure you limit the area by putting your puppy on a leash.
- Give the “go pee” command.
- Once your puppy goes to the bathroom, reward your puppy with treats and praises.
How do I remove the dreadful dried urine smell?
It’s important to remove the urine smell to prevent future urination at the same spot. The traditional vinegar and baking soda trick might not work for everyone, so I recommend using an enzyme spray to break away the odour. These enzyme spray can be purchased at any pet store.
Now you know the steps. Happy potty training!