It’s the battle of the cat hacks! Learning a little cat hack can your life easier. So tell me, which cat hacks would you try? The Litter-box-odor Hack Unlike dogs, cats usually don’t go out on walks when comes potty time. Therefore, many owners are left with no choice but to co-exist with the litter box. Rather than investing in an expensive self-cleaning litter box, simply eliminate the odor by resorting to vinegar, baking soda, and green tea leaves.
Do you think your cat is weird? You’d be surprised, most of the weird behaviors your cat displays are actually quite normal. Here, we’re listing 9 weird things your cat does that have you scratching your head. Uncomfortable Sleeper: Everyone has their definition of comfort. For us humans, it’s either sitting on a big fluffy couch binging on Netflix or sinking into our comfy warm bed for some much-needed R & R. For cats, however, it’s sleeping in tight quarters. Turns out, their comfort doesn’t come from nice soft beds, rather, it’s hiding in tight space because these spaces make them feel safe and secure from predators.
Tibetan Mastiff: Price Tag: $10,000 to 1.9 million (USD). Originally bred to protect livestock from wild predators, Tibetan Mastiffs are now symbols of wealth among the ultra-rich. In 2014, a Chinese millionaire purchased a Tibetan Mastiff for a whopping 1.9 million, making it the most expensive dog in the world. The hefty price tag is in part due to their rarity and also due to the media hype surrounding this breed. Boy oh boy! Aren’t they expensive?
Want to know which small breed dogs are popular in North America? Let’s discover the 15 cutest dog breeds. West Highland White Terrier: The West Highland White Terrier is a small breed dog who has a face to die for. Not only are they happy and cuddly, but they also make great watchdogs because they will be sure to alert you when they hear noises. Having an alert dog is great. However, it’s important to train them early because Westies are known to be excessive barkers, so if you don’t want your ears full, start the training process now.
Now, picture this. It’s feeding time. You put down the bowl and turn away for a second. When you turn around, just like magic, the food is nowhere to be found. If this scenario happens to you on a daily basis, I welcome you to the gulper’s club.
Being a dog owner comes with a lot of responsibilities. I have a admit, when I got my very first puppy Juju at 17, I had no idea what was to come. Each day goes by, I learn a little bit more from her. After nearly 12 years with my precious girl, she taught me how to be a better owner. Here are the things all potential and new dog owners should know.
Cute puppy videos on the internet may have enticed you into getting a new puppy but as soon as the new member enters your household, you know you have your work cut out for you. The adjustment to a new puppy’s demand is difficult. However, I can assure you, once you build the trust and the bond, it will all be worth it. Building trust takes time, so patience is the key. Training your pup teaches them to respect and trust you as a leader. Therefore, it’s a great idea to start the training early, so you can start forming an unbreakable bond.
When your dog engages in behaviors you disapprove of, don’t resort to scolding after the fact. The key is to catch them in the act. You might have seen countless guilty dog videos around the web and determined that dogs are capable of feeling remorse after doing a bad deed. However, the guilty look is not a sign of guilt, rather, it’s a sign of fear. In order to train your dog to ditch a certain bad habit, you have to make a clear association between the behavior and the consequences. Scolding after the fact just confuses your dog, and you’ll see your dog going back to the same old habit if you don’t discipline him/her during the act.
Is your dog a weirdo? Surprisingly, what’s weird to us is completely normal to them! I was curious as to why my dog is a total weirdo, so I did some digging around, and boy oh boy, it was an interesting discovery. Without further ado, here are my top 6 weird dog behaviors.