Pets And Parasites

What parasites typically affect our pets, and how can we treat them?
Pets are cute and cuddly, but being a pet parent can come with some troubling challenges. Dogs and cats have many behaviors and some physical differences that make them susceptible to parasitic infections. While talking about parasites may not be the most enjoyable part of being a pet parent, it is important.
Knowing the types of parasites your pet is likely to contract, along with the associated symptoms, can help you keep your pet healthy. Some parasites can even be transmitted to humans, so it is crucial that you understand how to keep your pet parasite-free to the best of your ability. Below you will find a basic understanding of the most common canine and feline parasites, along with some information on how they can be prevented!
Cardiovascular Parasites

Cardiovascular parasites are parasites that exist within the heart, veins, and arteries. There is only one contender in this category, but it is globally recognized and poses a serious threat to our pets’ health.
In the simplest sense, heartworm is exactly how it sounds, worms that take up residence within the heart. This parasite starts its life as a larva, and it is transmitted by mosquito bites. When a mosquito bites an infected pet and then bites an uninfected pet, these parasites are transferred to a new host. Once in the bloodstream of their host, heartworms travel through the blood and develop until they reach maturity and take up residence in the heart where they continue to multiply.
This condition is deadly if left untreated, as the worms congest the heart and prevent proper blood flow. Affected pets often become lethargic, cough excessively, and experience an overall decline in health. Dogs are most commonly infected by heartworm and it is most prevalent in warmer southern climates. However, these factors are not exclusive. Heartworm can be spread in any area where mosquitos reside, and it can also affect cats.
For infected dogs, there is treatment but it is lengthy, expensive, and tough on their body. For cats, there is no treatment, and it only takes a few heartworms to kill a cat. Contrary to popular belief, your pets are not safe from mosquitos inside so almost every cat and dog is at risk of contracting heartworm. Luckily, there are a variety of preventatives that can be obtained from a trusted veterinarian and this parasite can not be transmitted to humans.
Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal parasites hideaway in the intestines, and while there are countless intestinal parasites the ones most common to pets can be grouped into two categories.
The most common intestinal worms in pets can be grouped into four categories; whipworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and roundworms. Each of these worms has various species, some of which only infect pets while others can also infect people. The most important thing to note about these worms is that they all steal energy and nutrients from their host in one way or another. This often results in lethargy, weight loss, stunted growth, and sometimes their presence can cause intestinal upset that presents as diarrhea.
Worms are very difficult to avoid as they lay microscopic eggs in their host’s feces, and some of these eggs can reside in the environment for a long time before they make their way into a new host. Veterinarians often recommend yearly fecal testing to see if any parasites or eggs are present. If they are, your pet will commonly be given an oral treatment and checked again afterward to make sure it worked.
Not all parasites are worms, in fact, some aren’t visible to the human eye at all. Coccidia and Giardia belong to this category of microscopic parasites and they can be rather common in some scenarios. For example, giardia is spread through fecal matter or any contaminated water, making it easy for puppies who seem to put everything in their mouths, to acquire it.
Both of these intestinal parasites are zoonotic, meaning people can contract them, and sometimes an infected animal may not show symptoms even while they are spreading this parasite. Infected animals who do show symptoms will often present with diarrhea and digestive upset. Your pet should be checked for these parasites annually and treated accordingly, just like intestinal worms.
The biggest takeaway from both of these forms of intestinal parasites is to practice proper sanitation measures around poop and possibly contaminated water or surfaces.
Topical Parasites

Topical parasites include any parasites that attach to the outside of their host, and though some of them may be small, they are normally visible to the human eye. There are a number of topical parasites, but we will be focusing on the two that are most common to house pets.
Fleas are every pet owner’s worst nightmare and for good reason. These tiny tan bugs multiply rapidly and they bite everything in sight. Fleas take blood from their hosts, and this blood loss can lead to lethargy. They also cause extreme itching and sometimes they can harbor even smaller parasites, like tapeworm, which can be transferred to hosts if the flea is accidentally ingested.
Getting rid of fleas in a household can take a lot of work, and may even require the help of exterminators. However, they can be easily prevented through the use of veterinarian-approved flea and tick preventatives which come in a variety of forms.
Ticks are commonly grouped in with fleas since they are also tiny blood-sucking bugs, but the good news with ticks is that they do not multiply at the same rate. Your pet can get a tick from traveling through any areas where these creepy critters reside. In most cases they attach to your pet and take a blood meal, growing as they eat. However, ticks can also use your pet to hitch a ride into your home where they will transfer to you.
Ticks pose the added complication of carrying diseases like Lyme, Anaplasmosis, and Ehrlichiosis. They can also lead to infection if they are not properly removed from their host. Luckily, most veterinarian-approved tick preventatives also prevent fleas, saving you and your pet from double the trouble.
Practice Parasite Prevention

Parasites can burden both you and your pet’s health, and now that you know a bit about the most common types you will be better suited to protect your loved ones. If you have more questions or concerns regarding parasites, it is best to discuss them with a trusted veterinarian. They will be able to guide you towards the best treatment and prevention for your pet, so you can both spend more time enjoying life and less time worrying about parasites.